Wednesday, May 24, 2006

IME students honored at annual Clausing luncheon

At its annual Clausing Student Recognition Luncheon, the IME Department honored 31 students as winners of several awards and scholarships. The Outstanding Undergraduate Student awards in IME’s four programs went to Scott Seckel (MFT), Erin Brown (IEN), Paul Marsman (EGR), and Quentin Witkowski (UEM).

Pam Apotheker (IEN) was honored as this year’s Presidential Scholar and the Dean’s Outstanding IEN Student. The other winners of Dean’s Outstanding Student Awards were Josh Brien (EGR), Josh Schilling (UEM), and Scott Seckel (MFT).

Six Outstanding Graduate Student awards were given to students in IME’s postgraduate programs: Geoffry Twietmeyer (GEM), Janna Muller (GEM), Gordon Peters (IEG), Olubusola Soyode (OR), Hardik Shah (IE PhD), and Jason Trahan (IE PhD).

Earning an IME Outstanding Service Award were Kayla Goostrey (IEN) and Renae Hoglen (IEN). Goostrey won for her extensive outreach involvement with the Society of Women Engineers, Habitat for Humanity, Alpha Pi Mu, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), and Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society). Hoglen won for her extensive leadership involvement in IIE.

Erin Brown (IEN) was also acknowledged as one of four Kenneth W. Knight Scholarship winners. The other winners were Supreeta G. Amin (IE PhD), Nikki Crocker (IEG), and Elizabeth Evans (IEN).

Doctoral students Anil Kumar (IE PhD) and Jai Thomas (IE PhD) were honored for winning All-University Scholar awards. Kumar won for his outstanding research and Thomas won for his outstanding teaching.

Luis Hernandez was honored as the winner of the 2005 Clausing Industrial Scholarship, and Melissa Saltzman won not only the Ellinger Scholarship but also the IEEE Paper Contest.

Recognition was also given to Brad Armstrong and Dana Gronau for winning the North Central Regional American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference Best Paper competition. The paper was based on their Senior Design robotics project.

Scott Seckel was the recipient of three scholarships: Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF) Outstanding Student Scholarship, Ford Scholarship, and the AFS Wisconsin Chapter Scholarship.


Other FEF scholarship winners were Ryan Miller, Matthew Rutledge, and Michael Tolonen. Rutledge also won the Detroit-Windsor Chapter of the American Foundry Society (AFS) Scholarship.

Winners of the IME 1420 TA awards were Laura Wegner (Spring 2005) and Anthony Marciniak (Fall 2005). Justin Hobart won the CADKey competition.

Three students received Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME) Chapter 116 Roscoe Douglas Scholarships: Brian Cervin, Eric Korbecki, and Joshua Weise.

Clausing Industrial, Inc., is a Kalamazoo-based company that has been providing support to the IME department and offering scholarships to its students for 54 years. Clausing CEO Joe Felicijan celebrated with the award winners.

IME Professor Tom Swartz emceed the recognition ceremony, and CEAS Dean Tim Greene and IME Chair Paul Engelmann assisted in the award presentations.